Defending you and your finances from scams is our priority.

We encourage you to be alert for any signs of suspicious or fraudulent activity when checking their bank or credit accounts.

As a Defence Bank member, you have access to a range of services and security features to help protect you from scams and fraud 24/7, including real-time monitoring, fraud prevention technology and secure banking.

What we’re doing to keep you safe.

  • We continuously monitor customer information associated with data breaches, including the recent Optus breach.
  • Our intelligence monitoring systems run 24/7, allowing us to identify at-risk customers.
  • Increased monitoring.
  • Increasing identification verification.

What can you do?

Members can take additional steps to protect personal information, including:

  • Securing your devices and monitoring for unusual activity.
  • Change your online account passwords and enable multi-factor authentication for banking.
  • Check your accounts for suspicious activity, such as purchases that don't belong to you.
  • Place limits on your accounts to help secure your money
  • Educate yourself on staying safe online by reading our series of blog articles about scams, fraud and security or access additional resources at Scamwatch.

If you're worried your details might have been exposed.

IDCare is a not-for-profit that provides free support to Australians who’ve been impacted by fraud or scams. You can contact IDCare by calling 1800 595 160 or visit

If you suspect fraud, you can request a ban on your credit report. This means if someone tries to apply for something under your name, like a loan, the application will be blocked. For more info check out IDCare’s Fact Sheet on Credit Bans Australia.

Other valuable online resources outlining ways to combat scams and protect your personal information and finances include the Australian Security Centre, MoneySmart and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, which outline additional steps customer can take to limit the risk of fraud.

If you have any questions or concerns about any suspicious activity on your account, please call us on 1800 033 139.


Important note: This information is of a general nature and is not intended to be relied on by you as advice in any particular matter. You should contact us at Defence Bank to discuss how this information may apply to your circumstances.

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